My Recovery Journey. Thanks for visiting. You can click different topics at the bottom of this page.

The story of a recovering alcoholic, drug addict, compulsive overeater, nicotine addict, and abuse surviver.

Alcoholism: I drank from age 11 to 22. I got sober by going to AA meetings. I had a one day slip on alcohol at age 30 and sobered up again the next day. I haven't had a drink since, thanks to a loving higher power in my life. I am age 43 now and I truly enjoy my life without alcohol.

Drug Addiction: I used amphetamines, marijuana, tranquilizers, and many numerous pills that I would take that people would willingly give me. I am happy that I am clean today. I attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings weekly.

My other addictions: I found that once the alcohol and drug addictions were taken away, I was able to work on my other addictions

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If you want to be happy, Begin where you are, Don't wait for some rapture, That's future or far, Begin to be joyous, Begin to be glad, And soon you'll forget, That you ever were sad. -Poem found in a little second hand store poem book

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I now attend these meetings: AA for help with my alcoholism, NA for help with my drug addiction, OA for help with compulsive overeating, Nicotine Anonymous for help with my nicotine addiction. Abuse Survivor: I attended women of abuse groups and still see a therapist twice monthly to work on abuse issues.

I am very happy to be living a clean and sober life. My addictions took me to horrible places. I was in a nuthouse a couple times, I was jailed numerous times, I woke up in the most awful situations and not even remembering how I got there. But today my life is so much better. I have a nice family life, a nice home and nice pets. I am in contact with all my family members. All this was possible with the help of others in 12 step recovery programs and a loving higher power. If I can get clean and sober, believe me, anyone can. All it takes is the desire to want to stop using. Help is available from there on.

Intenet Sites I Like | Quitting Compulsive Overeating | Quitting Other Drugs | Quitting Smoking | Quitting Amphetamines | Quitting Alcohol | Surviving Abuse | The Steps | About Me | GRATITUDE! | Think of your mind as a closet. Take everything out of the closet. Now just relax and breathe. When ready, put only back what you want in your mind. Throw out all the garbage. Only fill your mind back up with things you like. You will find relief. Continue to do this whenever necessary. It really is helpful to relieve yourself of stress by doing this.